Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Growing up with Horses

Rebecca Graber shared this on Facebook 16 March 2014 as a comment to a thread on Amish and Beyond.

My Dad was always training horses for people so we'd have all kinds of horses to drive when we worked in the field. But Dad always made sure he'd hitch the less trained ones with a solid well trained one and I never had a runaway till the day my older brother (married )was in charge to help out while my Dad was in Hot Springs getting relief for his back. My brother would not listen to me about which horses to put beside each other and made me put the ones together that were always fighting..... I made a couple rounds in the field with the disc and the four horse team when the one horse got mad and went after the other one and they started going in circles. I hung on for dear life, praying that somehow I would be able to stay out from under the disc .... All of a sudden they took off running across the field and I fell off as they crashed into a fence and a neighbor came to my aid.... That's when I started having the problem that I later learned was a hiatal hernia... When Dad came home he took me to the chiropractor which helped but of course didn't fix the hernia .... Needless to say that brother is not my favorite and for some reason he will not speak to me at funerals etc..