Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Confessions of Baking, Bakeries, Bake Goods, Anything and All things Baked under the Sun.........

   Round Top......  Through The Eyes of Dorcas Graber

   Did shivers run up your spine at the very mention of the words? What memories flashed through your mind? Did the taste of smashed cherry pie somehow form on your lips? What was the first thought that passed through your mind.......

   For those of you who have moved away from our home you may have easily forgotten that this weekend is Round Top. But it's very know to all members of the Graber Nuts who still reside inside the four walls of what is affectionately know as the Graber Funny Farm. (No, really it's still known as that. Congratulations whoever started it). You know the drill. The late nights, the stressful breakdowns (I try and keep mine dramatic and artistic), the breakfast tacos, the freezing A/C to keep the bake goods, the early mornings, the trading, talking to all those people, and let's not forget the memorial car rides in between where I usually made everyone's breakfast fun by throwing up. :) Didn't you just love me?

   I well remember the uneasy feeling I would wake up with and know, just know, that later in the morning my annual appearance would be made. I also remember the first year I did not throw up on the way to Round Top. Was that a time of celebration or what? It was the first year that it was just Rosemary, David, Mom, and me.

    As a young child, Round Top was one of the most exciting events of the year! Honestly, I didn't know why y'all always complained so. I thought that is was the best thing ever. And peddling too. I thought peddling was the bomb and didn't find out until later years that Jonathan disliked it very much. Or that he sent me in because the people were more adapt to buy from me then him. Aren't we a family of business geniuses?

   Another memory that is forever burned into my memory is that of Ruth baking cookies with Rush Limbaugh talking on the radio. To this day whenever I hear his show, I can taste chocolate chip cookies. Which makes it rather hard to focus on politics. :)

   Well, I hope you enjoyed my rambling about Round Top and that maybe somehow I managed to bring up some good memories in your mind. 

   Life life to the fullest!  ;)

                                                      Following His Star,
                                                                 Dorcas  (akaMadBakerGirl)

   Note:  This post was written during Round Top week but due to extreme work overload and sketchy memory was posted at a later date.  Enjoy. :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Confessions of Dreams Come True......

   Today Mother was cleaning out her room and found my journal from 2006. I spent quite a while reading it and discovered two things. 1. My handwriting, however bad it is right now, was actually worse. 2. God has brought me so far and brought so many dreams of mine to live.

   I just wanted to take this time to say Thank You to all of y'all. Thank you for everything you've ever done for me. Thank you for never giving up on me as I've grown through the years. I know I must've been rather annoying and frustrating at times but you still believed in me and knew God had a plan.

   With God all things ARE possible. Those were just words to me before but now they're really coming to life for me. In the pages of my old journal, there is a dream and desire recorded for all to see. My dream was to one day work on movies for the glory of God. And that dream is coming true.

   This summer, I got to work on "Indescribable". "Indescribable" is the hymn history behind the song, "The Love of God". It was an amazing adventure and God taught me so much, This movie was Joseph and Stacie's first project and first of many, hopefully. Stacie was the Director and Joseph, Screenplay Writer, Producer, and 1st AD.

   Jonathan also had a part in the film as a horse wrangler and actor. He played the part of Bennie, Mama Ellie's son. Mama Ellie being played by our own very dear mother.

   I was your very own Behind The Scenes director and made a BTS video for each week of production which you will see on the DVD. The videos were donors eyes only during production but were be released to the public later. This film was a great learning experience for me. I learned basic lighting skills, how to use and operate two editing programs (Adobe Premier and Sony Vegas), and much, much more about the many wrinkles one runs into with film making. I know that this was a huge step up for me and that God has more in store for me. I am determined to use my new found skills to further His kingdom. I have already acquired a job directing and producing a small political ad for Kyle Gresinger, candidate for Speaker of the House, Patriot Academy 2013.

   To be there and see the action. To see my dream unfold before my eyes in a project that was bigger than I could ever imagine was truly breathtaking. I hope that all of y'all are will enjoy "Indescribable" when it premieres sometime next year. I know that God has already used it to change lives and I pray that more will be changed.For more pictures of "Indescribable", visit our fan page on Facebook.

   Another thing I want to add is that my handwriting is really improving. :)  I've really been working on it. God has brought some many things to my attention this summer. Things that still need working on and improving so that I will become even more affective in His great plan for my life. And He you used you guys most of all. They say that "Family is like sandpaper. It grinds you down till you're a smooth finished piece." Let us continue to storm hell's gates and ride for the King of Heaven and Earth. 

Following His Star,
  Keep Dreaming! God has a plan for you and one day, when we are gathered around the throne I want to hear 'Well done, good and faithful servant" not "Well, I had a plan but you just quit dreaming and stayed in your comfort zone"..... God can't use us if we don't take that first step of faith.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish..."
Proverbs 29:18

Keep The Vision Alive!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

In Memory of Mary D. (Borntreger) Borntrager

This is posted for Rebecca:

Today it is 46 years that my mother died after 9 days in the hospital. We didn't know she had cancer till she was in the hospital. She left 10 children with the oldest being 18 and the youngest 3 of which I was 10.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Christmas Food Memories

Hey ya'll! It's time to make the Graber Family Cookbook a reality. I talked to Pops, Mamaw and Ruth and they all said that it's fine for me to go ahead and get the ball rolling. I'm not "making" the cookbook, I'm just helping the family get it done. :-) The cookbook is going to include food-related memories shared by the family. So I guess we'll start with Christmas! Post your fond food-related memories of our family's Christmas's, please. Keep it short, like a paragragh. Thanks! Make it fun and be nice!
Warning: Anything you post, can and will be used in your favor in The Graber Family Cookbook! You do not have the right to remain silent!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What The Shepherd Saw

Here is the trailer for What the Shepherd Saw, You guys are the first to see it!

Saturday, January 22, 2011